50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

graceacupuncture - 15/12/2022 - NEWS - 728 Views

The gaming landscape is changing at a very fast pace and with the new and emerging technologies it’s getting hard to keep up with all the information. This applies specifically if you are a gaming addict, need new information, want to stay updated, learn about the upcoming trends and explore related products.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche


What are the best websites to learn and explore more about gaming?

Keeping in mind all of this, we have a researched and made a list of best 50 websites to visit if you love gaming. These are the platforms which contain each and everything you need to know about gaming.

Here is the table for a quick overview.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Top 50 Gaming Websites

1. Shack News

The entire buzz around Shack News has been created quite rightfully. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

This is a website focused largely on latest news and reviews from the gaming industry. It’s updated regularly with gaming articles, videos, and guides. You can also buy Shack News merchandise and participate in the discussions that go on the site.

Shack News hosts a large community of dedicated gamers that awaits you!

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

2. That Gaming Blog

That VideoGame Blog is nothing short of a gaming geek heaven.

It is run by a team of hardcore gamers who grew up playing old school Nintendo and other retro games. You can find out more about the team on the blog as well as join in gaming discussions with them through the online forums. The blog posts news and opinions about Xbox, PlayStation, and PC games and interesting reviews about the gaming culture. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

As an avid gamer, you would definitely want to read up on That VideoGame Blog.

3. Touch Arcade

Touch Arcade is one of the best sites around when it comes to staying in the loop with iOS gaming.

The website posts reviews about iOS games and has a separate section, Hot Games, dedicated to the most talked about iOS games. All the game trailers you watch and the podcasts you listen to go in your Watch List. You can connect with other gamers from the Touch Arcade community through Forums and buy cool gamer’s paraphernalia at discounted rates.

All of this at a single online portal!50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

4. The Guardian

The Guardian Game Blog is known for its versatility.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

The blog hosts a good variety of news and stories narrated by gamers from around the world. It is a proactive blog where gamers share their personal experiences and enthusiasm regarding their favorite games. One that you might find entertaining and relatable in multiple ways!

5. Destructoid

A top-tier and one of the websites gaming geeks turn to for their daily dose of gaming journalism.

They post ‘unfiltered’ news, reviews, and videos from the gaming world and the top 25 of these separately under a section called ‘Hot’. They have an active community always busy debating and discussing games on the forum. Together with that, the website keeps its users updated with the hottest discounts and deals on gamer’s gear.

You probably have already signed up on Destructoid; however if you haven’t, you’re missing out on a lot!50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

6. VG247

An online portal for people interested in the gaming culture, VG247 is doing exceptionally well keeping its visitors updated with what’s hot and what’s not in the gaming industry.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Along with the news and reviews on PC, PS4, and Xbox One games, they exclusively cover all the latest happenings around Destiny, GTA5, Battlefield, Pokemon, and Overwatch. Also, if you’re stuck at some point in a game, you might want to check out their ‘Guide’ section for help.

How cool is that?!

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

7. Engadget

A web magazine which attracts tech geeks from around the world; Engadget has a huge section dedicated to the gaming culture.

Engadget is known to post interesting and top of the chart updates from the gaming industry many times during the day. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

You can hardly imagine how hard they guys at Engadget work to bring you the latest from the gaming world along with other tech news.

8. Kotaku

Kotaku is a major player among the throng of gaming news sites.

It is a reliable site offering gaming podcasts, reviews, and videos. Together with news updates, Kotaku is among the first to bring its users leaks and rumors from the gaming world. Website’s original content is often quoted by other gaming platforms.

If you haven’t already, sign up for Kotaku and stay connected with the millions of other gaming buffs. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

9. C|net

Cnet, well-known for its authentic news and qualified opinion on the latest happenings around the world, is also running a section on gaming rather successfully. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

The gaming section features news, updates, and how-to articles for gamers to get going with their favorite games.

Do check out this awesome space shared by so many gaming enthusiasts.

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

10. Flipline

You can spend hours on Flipline Studios and still not get bored of the online games.

Flipline Studios is a platform for lots of free online games and games for kids. Some of their famous games have made it to App Store, Google Play, and Amazon as well. They also run a blog featuring fun news and stories about the characters from their games and have a discussion forum for their users. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Bored? Leave it to Flipline to provide easy pass time!

11. N4G

With a dedicated team working on the backend, N4G is a gaming news site with a fresh, modern interface.

Get the latest news and trends from the world of PC, mobile, and PS4 gaming all in one place: N4G! Interestingly, the website gauges the popularity and significance of hot stories by a temperature score that goes redder as the story’s popularity shoots.

N4G allows its community members to participate in site activities as well as contribute news stories, if you’re a loyal visitor.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

12. App Storm

This is a great website to get reviews and top news on latest mobile and browser apps.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

App Storm, in accordance with its name, has a large RSS subscription and gets stormed with the latest news regarding gaming apps almost instantly. It works great for searching device-specific gaming apps.

13. Wired

Wired is a renowned technology e-magazine. They cover tech news on a large scale and offer a good variety of content.

Their gaming blog is a good place for a casual gamer who doesn’t want to get bogged down by gaming jargon as they post gaming news, guides, and updates for all types of gamers.

When in doubt, consult wired for the most relevant and reliable gaming news!50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

14. The Escapist

This website goes into great detail when talking about games and gamer lifestyles.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

The Escapist has a platform for announcing latest gaming news, reviews, and sharing cool videos. They have a gaming arcade full of free online games that one can get rather addicted to, and a forum that offers offline and online discussions on a plethora of tech and gaming topics.

The Escapist is a website about gamers, run by the gamers, and made for gamers. Sounds like your kind of a place, doesn’t it?

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

15. Dual Shockers

A space trusted and shared by thousands of gamers.

Dual Shockers posts previews, reviews, news, videos, and podcasts about games and trends that really matter in the gaming arena. To make it more scan-able, all this content has also been categorized under the name of relevant gaming platform.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Dual Shockers has a unique and uncanny way of seeing things going on in the gaming world. Get acquainted!

16. Apps Geyser

App creation has been made fun and super easy with Apps Geyser!

Apps Geyser is one of the easiest, most automated ways of creating game applications. It allows you to make arcade and puzzle games in a jiffy. Even though the process is well-instructed and quite self-explanatory, you can read their blog for a more detailed guide or pose a query to their efficient online support.

Who needs to learn programming when one can make puzzle and arcade game apps with Apps Geyser. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

17. Allkey Shop

All Key Shop is a well-known comparison shopping website for geeks and gamers. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

You can use the All Key Shop to filter and compare PC games and gaming consoles based on price, reviews, and other criteria. In addition to that, they keep their users updated with the top gaming news and ‘Deal of the Day’ features.

Dig out the best prices on the All Key Shop and make an informed choice prior to buying your gamer’s gear.

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

18. Giant Bomb

Giant Bomb is a cool space run by gamers and tech geeks who have managed to form quite a community on the website.

They bring their users gaming videos, news, and reviews hot off the press! New games get a special feature which includes details such as an overview and the gameplay. Other than that, you can listen to exciting podcasts about video games, join the proactive forum, and shop for Giant Bomb merchandise.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Giant Bomb has a great variety of original, authentic, and mind-blowing content on video games that you HAVE to check out!

19. Major Nelson

Who hasn’t heard of Larry Hryb, more commonly known as his Xbox Live Gammertag, Major Nelson! Turns out, his website is just as catchy as his gammertag!

Major Nelson posts news and reviews about upcoming games and hardware, podcasts, and exclusively the latest happenings in the world of Xbox gaming.

What can be better than getting news on Xbox One and gaming straight from an insider?! 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

20. Polygon

Polygon hosts a massive following of avid geeks and gamers and provides them with substantial information to get hyped about. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Working in partnership with Vox Media, Polygon brings its community original content on video games and their creators. People interested in the gaming culture check up on Polygon several times during the day for the most recent and reliable news, reviews, previews, and videos viral in the gaming world. Their eclectic Forum houses wide-ranging discussions and opinions on games and gaming trends.

Cherry on top, you’re really going to enjoy scrolling through their fine interface!

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

21. Heat Street

Heat Street is an engaging forum sharing news, reviews, opinions, and features with the world.

They make sure the gaming section contains news, reviews, and gaming roundups which are just as captivating as the rest of their tech related content. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Update yourself with the latest and most comprehensive on gaming with Heat Street!

22. Game Informer

With a name as self-explanatory as it gets, Game Informer is a trusted source for the latest and highest-rated in video game news, reviews, previews, podcasts, gamer culture, and features about gaming platforms. They run an exciting forum on the website, as well.

Game Informer does a splendid job in providing coverage from all over the gaming world.

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

23. Nintendo Life

Nintendo Life is one of the most visited Nintendo websites in the world.

Beaming with in-depth and the very latest Nintendo news, reviews, and features, this one site keeps you in the loop with Wii U, 3DS, and Nintendo Switch (NX). The website also actively promotes and posts fan art, videos, and photos. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Join the massive Nintendo Life community and stay in touch with the hottest and latest from Nintendo.

24. Play Station

This is the one stop for PS enthusiasts to catch the latest on Play Station games and products straight from the creators themselves!

The website contains news on all of PS products, their respective games, and fan-created content categorized into four regions.

The PS community qualifies as hardcore gamers with profuse knowledge of the gaming culture. You are sure to find many like-minded gamers and untapped information on this online portal.50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

25. Xbox Wire

Xbox Wire is a tab that’s always opened on the desktops of Xbox followers and gaming geeks. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

That’s because they’re posting news, product releases, events, and informational content relating to Xbox round the clock!

Xbox Wire is doing brilliantly keeping the users of one of the world’s most popular gaming consoles updated with all that’s going on.

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

26. Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Rock, Paper, Shotgun is all things PC gaming, from header to footer.

Run by Britain’s top gaming critics, RPS covers in detail everything from the breaking news, previews, and releases in video games to reviews and guides for fellow gamers. The never-ending gaming discussions on their forums are sure to match your interests. 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

With a vibrant team of writers/gamers/cool dudes on the backend, RPS is much like a second home to gamers around the globe.

27. My Nintendo News

This is a website focused on Nintendo news, reviews, and fan stories. Connect with other Nintendo fans, send your submissions to the website, and get gaming tips on this highly dedicated web space on Nintendo.

28. Euro Gamer

This is one of the largest independent gaming websites in UK, providing thorough news, reviews, and game recommendations. Their guides and videos particularly interest their audience together with the proactive forum on the website.

Euro Gamer has quite a reputation in the gaming world for being pro-play and anti-serious-discussions.

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

29. PC Invasion

PC Invasion is your daily source of news and reviews on PC gaming. They post amusing content, including previews, interviews, and gaming podcasts.

Once you’ve signed up, prepare to get carried away with the never-ending, addicting content by PC Invasion! 50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

30. Droid Gamers

The single platform reporting all happenings related to Android gaming!50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

Droid Gamers is a space shared by fans of Android game applications. Every new day brings them scintillating news on Android games, along with interviews, gaming guides, and discount deals on gaming gear and much more.

Droid Gamers is your one-stop-website for all that you need to know about the latest Android games.

50 Best Gaming Websites to Visit March 2021 - Techtyche

31. Kill Screen

This website as well as its magazine run on an intuitive motto and provide gaming geeks with a unique new perspective on the art of gaming.

Finding a common point between gaming, arts, and culture, Kill Screen covers the latest gaming news for its audience. They present their thoughtful content in the form of playlists and interesting articles.

Join the Kill Screen online community and get re-introduced to the gaming culture like never before!

32. Fextra Life

Fextra Life is the brainchild of nerds who take their gaming way too seriously.

It is a video game community and original news resource dedicated to uncanny, innovative games, especially role-playing games. They talk about detailed game mechanics and technicalities in their news, reviews, and feature articles. You can get gaming consoles and other paraphernalia off their e-shop and help the site grow even bigger.

Fextra Life community is well-reputed for their accurate and comprehensive knowledge of the gaming world.

33. NZ Gamer

NZ Gamer is a small but immensely dedicated community of gamers covering gaming news, reviews, videos, and essential features. The website is buzzing with debates and discussions on the gaming culture and so are the various gaming competitions.

Win cool prizes, free games, and consoles as well as stay updated with the news from gaming world through this amazing portal!

34. The Xbox Hub

The Xbox Hub serves as one of the central sources of Xbox news, reviews, previews, and videos. The generous people at The Xbox Hub are often arranging giveaways and contents to win exciting prizes through.

Join the hub and benefit from their vast arsenal of gaming gear and info!

35. Gaming on Linux

The Xbox Hub serves as one of the central sources of Xbox news, reviews, previews, and videos. The generous people at The Xbox Hub are often arranging giveaways and contents to win exciting prizes through.

Join the hub and benefit from their vast arsenal of gaming gear and info!

36. Virtual R

This is a website for gamers who like to delve in the statistics, mechanics, and technical facets of games and gaming consoles.

With a nice, uncluttered interface, Gaming On Linux stacks gaming statistics, livestreams, databases, and release calendar (almost all the news provided by other comparable sites) under ‘Sections’. The forum is another major attraction of the gaming news site.

Gaming On Linux provides the most focused and filtered news in a manner that’s not heavy on the eyes.

37. Massively Over Powered

As the name suggests, Massively Over Powered is not a place for the weak at heart.

Always overloaded with news, reviews, columns, podcasts, videos, gaming tips and much more regarding the vibrant multiplayer online roleplaying games, this website is definitely the place for gaming geeks. Their community is just as active as the authors and developers on the backend.

You might get deluged by the massive amount of original content that goes up on this website, however you can pull off a daily check.

38. Jay is Games

Jay Is Games a free online gaming arcade as well reviewer of casual browser gaming.

The website offers a number of easy and entertaining browser games and games for kids as well as in-depth walkthroughs of games from orbiting genres.

You might think of Jay Is Games as a casual gaming arcade at first sight. Beware, the most casual of games can get pretty addicting when you least expect it.

39. Siliconera

Siliconera is a renowned produced of incredible, original content on video gaming.

Most of the news and reviews have been categorized in accordance with their gaming consoles on a reader-friendly interface. And when you’re tired of reading the news and reviews, head over to the Message Board for a laid-back chat with members of the Siliconera community.

You will be pleased to see how Siliconera presents their extensive content in an infallibly smooth manner.

40. Big Fish Games

All your casual gaming thirst can be quenched right on Big Fish Games.

Big Fish Games is a well-known name when it comes to online gaming. For years, they have offered free and paid games to play online or download in a multitude of genres, for both Windows and Mac. Along with the arcade, they provide valuable reviews and news on online gaming.

You can always count on the big fish of online gaming, Big Fish Games.

41. Gamemela

Namaste! All gaming everything at the disposal of Indian audience here at Gamemela!

Gamemela targets the Indian gamers with news on gaming trivia and tournaments occurring near them. Their blog contains entertaining articles exclusively for an Indian gamer audience. Also, has served as the best place to buy games online in India.

Be a part of the fast growing Indian gaming community by heading over to Gamemela now!

42. Green Man Gaming

Green man gaming has the best price for that video game that you love, and for the rest that you love just as much!

Green Man Gaming offers great pricing, often with discounted deals on all the latest big games’ tittles on PC. You can also find awesome deals on pre-orders of games that are yet to be released. Their blog contains extensive, original content covering news and reviews from the gaming industry.

So, finally decided to buy that one game which got you all excited and worked up? You know where to go.

43. Astro Gaming Blog

Ever played a game and got so carried away into it that you and the game become one? Yeah, we feel you, brother!

Astro Gaming has all the gear you need to be one with the game. They have top-notch quality headsets designed specifically for gamers, a wide range of gaming gears, a high level of customization offerings, and all the latest news on global gaming tournaments.

Astro Gaming will surely put you on the track to be the next gaming icon.

44. Wolf’s Gaming Blog

Quoting Wolf’s Gaming Blog directly, “Cutting through the bullshit of typical game journalism to deliver actual honest reviews,” this website is trusted for their word of mouth.

Wolf’s Gaming Blog provides brutally honest, unbiased news and reviews on major game releases globally. The reviews are reader-friendly and easily relatable with every gamer.

Whenever unsure whether certain game is worth the buck or not, check out Wolf’s Gaming Blog.

45. Table Top Gaming

Want to experience what an organic gamer community looks like? Check out TGN!

The biggest contributors of news on TGN are the gamers themselves! They have an incredibly large collection of news and reviews related to all things tabletop and RPG gaming.

Also, got some hidden talent for game journalism? Submit your work at Tabletop Gaming News and join in the writers’ community!

46. How I Nerd

Calling all nerds! This one is specifically made just for you by nerds just like you.

How I Nerd has it all! Reviews on gaming, movies, TV shows, books, and what not! They have a well-built filtering system to get you the game that tickles your inner-nerd the most and quizzes to test your knowledge as a closet nerd.

Listen to your inner gaming nerd calling, do as the nerds do, and join the How I Nerd community.

47. Gnome Stew

These veteran gamers know how to cook the perfect stew of quirky original content to fulfill your RPG gaming news cravings.

The blog has so much more to offer than just news. It’s a community of game masters, dungeon masters, RPG enthusiasts, and closet nerds. It has guides and reference material for all kinds of tabletop role-playing games.

This is site is a whole fantasy world in itself! You would regret not visiting their kingdom!

48. Video Chums

This team of chums does a great job reviewing console games.

This website has a good repo for game reviews, original articles, nerdy quizzes, and top-10 list collections.

Select your console from the list and enjoy the stream of relevant content covering almost all the major releases there ever were.

49. Games

Do you take your gaming seriously enough to follow the gaming industry and its development in its entirety?

Check out GamesTM for not just expert reviews but also deep insights into the gaming world with latest news, columns, features, and interviews of the big game developers.

So, keep the hype alive and your gaming knowledge ever growing by becoming a part of the GamesTM community.

50. Indie Games

Who doesn’t love that mind blowing Indie tittle that wins over hearts?

IndieDB is the database for all things related to indie gaming. Be it a cool new concept game, a sick game that’s making heads turn, or just the news on your favorite indie developer, IndieDB has it all covered!

Keep up with the Indie world by following all the news on Indie DB!


The multitude of gaming news websites continues to grow as gaming emerges as something bigger and more worthwhile than merely a hobby. It would be an understatement to confine the role and purpose of these websites to news and reviews broadcasting; for each day, the legion of geeks and gamers is strengthened by these very gaming news websites. In midst of this competition, there are numerous websites like Virteract which are emerging to the scene and putting in some really good efforts to provide you with quality content.

So, what do you think is the best gaming website? Let us know in the comments.