The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and Ideas -

graceacupuncture - 06/08/2022 - STRATEGY - 662 Views

The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and IdeasThe Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and Ideas -

Looking for an ice breaker this at your next party? This Saran Wrap Ball Game will do the trick! It’s sure to break the ice and a perfect way to get everyone having a good time!

I promise you that fun will be had by all when you play the Saran Wrap Ball Game! (It’s called the Saran Wrap game but I use whatever plastic wrap is on sale at the time!)This game is an excellent ice breaker and a perfect way to get the kids and adults interacting at just about any party. My favorite part of almost any party is to see people having fun. I love all the smiles and the laughter had with good wholesome fun. This is a perfect game for all age groups too! You can make this game as fun or crazy as you want by the prizes you put in the game! They can be weird or odd prices. Or as we did, some kid friendly prices. Here are the the Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules along with some ideas for the small gifts you can place inside the ball!The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and Ideas -

The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules:

The first person with the ball starts unwrapping the ball while the person on their right rolls a pair of dice, trying to roll doubles.Once doubles are rolled, the ball is passed to the next player and the sequence begins again.The person with the ball does not stop unwrapping until the person to their right rolls doubles. This creates an urgency to the game! You want to roll the dice over and over again as quickly as you can so you get the ball!You get to keep the treasures you unwrap!You decide who starts the game. You can choose to roll the dice or go from youngest to oldest. Your choice!We put a bigger gift in the middle!Feel free to modify the rules a bit too!

The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and Ideas -

Tips for the Saran Wrap Ball Game:

If you use one continuous strand of Saran Wrap it makes the game really easy. Try doing different strips of plastic wrap to make the game a bit more difficult. Be sure to wrap them in different directions too.You don’t have to pick doubles as your pass rule. You can choose any number you want!Use Press and Seal wrap to make more challenging!If you have a large group of people playing this game, try using two large balls and start them on opposite ends of each another!Use oven mitts, gloves or mittens to make the game more challenging!The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and Ideas -

The Saran Wrap Ball Game gift ideas:

The prizes you put in the game will depend on the party theme and the ages of the people playing.For our game, we had a Christmas theme and the ages were from 10 years to 15 years old.The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and Ideas -

Candy piecesCandy boxesGift cards (small amounts)Matchbox carsTic TacsChristmas Bell NecklaceChristmas EarringsChristmas SocksSmall ToysSmall Card Games

Here is a video we made to show you how to make this Saran Wrap Ball Game.

The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and Ideas -

The Saran Wrap Ball Game Rules and Ideas -

You could get really crazy with this game depending on the theme of the party!It would be really fun to see this as a baby shower game or even a bachelor party theme too!Or you could just make this a wacky type game with really off the wall type gifts too.How about gifts ideas like a tire pressure gauge or hand warmers.You name it!The key is to make the gifts small enough to be able to wrap in the ball.Make sure they are somewhat bendable if they are not small (like the socks in the photo).

I used one box of 300 ft Saran Wrap and this game lasted us about 7 minutes!

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